Orgain Organic Protein vs. Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein | Battle of the Plant Based Proteins
Plant based protein powders are quickly growing in popularity. This is happening for a variety of reasons. First, more people are choosing to eat plant based diets. Some people are lactose intolerant or find that milk based proteins sit heavy in their stomach, and others just straight up prefer plant based proteins. Since more people seem to be opting for plant based proteins, we wanted to take a minute do break down two of the more popular plant based protein powders on the market, dig into the ingredients, the taste, the price, and really do a showdown of these two proteins. The two plant based protein powders we're going to be looking at today are Garden of Life's Raw Organic Protein, and Orgain Organic Plant Based protein, sometimes referred to as the Costco protein. Without further delay, let's get ready to rumble...
Protein Source
Garden of Life's plant based protein powder derives it's protein from Organic Pea Protein, Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein, Organic Amaranth Sprout, Organic Buckwheat Sprout, Organic Millet Sprout, Organic Cracked Wall Chlorella, Organic Quinoa Sprout, Organic Chia Seed Sprout, Organic Garbanzo Bean Sprout, Organic Lentil Sprout, Organic Adzuki Bean Sprout, Organic Flax Seed Sprout, Organic Sunflower Seed Sprout, Organic Pumpin Seed Sprout, and Organic Sesame Seed Sprout.
Orgain Organic Protein derives their protein from Organic Pea Protein, Organic Brown Rice Protein, Organic Chia Seed Protein.

While both are quality protein powders, we're going to give the edge to Garden of Life's Raw Organic Protein due to it's incredibly diverse protein sources. GOL has 14 different protein sources compared to Orgain's 3 protein sources. This results in a much more powerful Amino Acid Profile as you can see featured in Garden of Life's Nutrition Label below...
Nutrition Label

So as we take a look at the Supplement Facts or the Nutritional Label of each of these protein powders we quickly see that the Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein is going to come out ahead in this category. In terms of calories GOL comes in at 110 calories per serving while Orgain comes in at 150 calories per serving. When it comes to protein they stack up pretty closely with Garden of Life's Raw Organic protein coming in with 22 grams of protein per serving, just one gram ahead of Orgain Organic Protein which comes in at 21 grams of protein per serving. Garden of Life comes in with 1.5 grams less fat per serving, 20mg less sodium, and quite a bit of extra Vitamins, Minerals, and Aminos,that Orgain lacks.
Taste, Texture, & Flavor Choices
While ultimately the ingredients, nutritional facts, and performance should be of the utmost importance while selecting a protein powder; let's be real, people want good taste, a good texture, and some flavor choices. What's the point of having a great protein powder if it's too disgusting to choke down, right?
This category is going to come down to a draw. Both Garden of Life and Orgain taste good on their own, and mix well into shakes, almond milk, or your beverage of choice.
As far as texture, some people find plant based protein powders to be a bit more grainy or gritty, however both these proteins mix fairly easily and have a good texture. Those who aren't huge fans of protein or who have an issue with texture may choose to mix their protein powder in a smoothie as opposed to just water.
Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein has a slight edge in this category due to a couple additional flavor choices, but ultimately we're going to call this category a draw as Orgain may be a slight bit smoother.
Price is another important factor to many buyers when choosing their protein. Orgain Organic protein sells on their site for $29.99 for a 2.03 pound or 920g tub. Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein sells for $29.99 for a 1.74 or 664g tub. So Orgain is giving you more protein, 256 grams more for about the same price. Now this isn't necessarily comparing apples to apples. Garden of Life has much more diversity in the protein sources with their 14 to Garden of Life's 3. The additional protein sources provide a much better amino acid profile. We are going to give the win to Orgain on price, although only slightly as Garden of Life, while slightly more expensive, is also a better quality protein.
Okay, so it's time to announce the winner of the plant based protein powder showdown. Now both of these are quality protein powders so you really can't go wrong with either. We do however have to choose a winner.
The winner of the plant based protein powder showdown here is going to be Garden of Life's Raw Organic Protein.
Garden of Life Raw Organic protein has a much more diverse source of protein and therefore a superior amino acid profile. It has less calories, more vitamins and minerals and is a cleaner product. While Orgain Organic Plant Based protein did have a slight edge in the areas of texture and price, ultimately Garden of Life is going to take the win. If you're looking to add a new high quality plant based protein to your supplement routine, click below to pick-up a tub today.